Sunday, August 03, 2014

Almost time for school to start . . .

A couple of weeks ago I traveled to Hot Springs, AR, for an annual girls vacation with some of my college friends. I am still recovering from that little adventure.  We had some great moments, including a rock hounding trip to a crystal mine, which was surprisingly fun.   We also went to a beautiful botanical garden. I always love it when I get to play with my camera. However, I came home with some mixed feelings about the whole experience, and I keep feeling as though we were all a little disappointed with this trip.

Next week my son will go back to school, and we will all have to adjust to a stricter schedule.  Homework, band, football games, and all other school activities will have to be our priority for the next 9 1/2 months. Some days I wonder how I will make it through six more years of this.  In addition, there are August birthdays looming on the horizon, and lots to do for that as well.  Just to keep things interesting, my husband's family has decided to throw in a little family drama too.  I think I am feeling a little overwhelmed.

Today, my goal is to push back any negativity, and finish a few scrapbook pages.  I have an unfinished Disney album from 2012.  I am going to think about those happy memories and try to feel a little better.